my inner monologue unleashed

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Where is your person?

As if this isn’t always somewhere buried in the back of the single girl’s mind, this apparently is a big question for H2 when she drinks. She has found her lobster and doesn’t understand what’s the hold up with the rest of us. Not in that annoying oh marriage is fabulous everyone must do it way, but in the what the fuck is the hold up you’re fabulous sort of way.

She’s the best kind of drinker. When she is completely sober she is extremely sweet, but when she’s been drinking it’s amplified to the most self-esteem boosting proportions. You’re perfect! Where is your person? I mean, you’re beautiful. Where is your fucking person?! You’re brilliant! Where is he?? She is surrounded by her obviously beautiful, brilliant and perfect single friends and she just doesn’t get it. It’s ok. Neither do we, we’ve just stopped asking.

This past weekend we were all in Chicago for Di’s wedding, which was one of the most sincere and genuine 3 minutes of ceremony I’ve ever been a part of. Literally, about 3 minutes and a lot of that was spent laughing as she would say things like “where’s my ring?” and he appeared to be glaring at his restless nephew named Rocco who was sporting the most adorable tie that was neither clip- on nor real, along with his Bermuda-esque shorts. Kids have come a long way. Doesn’t hurt that is father is British and was totally styling in this funky white suit none of you American men should even think about trying. Someone at the rehearsal dinner said there is a fine line between British and gay...a very fine dotted line. And this outfit was a testament to that fact.

When we were up in the bride’s room getting dressed everyone appeared to be very calm. We were instructed to keep girlish screams to a minimum. Trisha had broken open a bottle of wine. I continued to document everything snapping a zillion pictures, which I had started doing basically as soon as my plane landed. “Mesas...get together....Mesa/Cannons get together....Alfermanns....and then I’d snap one of Trisha and I from arm’s length. Arranging flowers, having lunch after flowers, the rehearsal dinner, pre-wedding....

A few times during the day she would announce....I’m getting married. As if saying it aloud to make sure she wasn’t going to break some sort of spell and it would disappear. I did almost make her pass out as I showed her the reader board in the hotel lobby that said Mesa/Cannon wedding. But never for one minute did I doubt that he has turned out to be her person.

I’m not sure if it was the first sight of herself in her gorgeous white gown or the first time we let her take a breath from our ooohing and ahhhing....she suddenly looked a bit not necessarily nervous, maybe just a bit overwhelmed, and as the unofficial maid of honor, this my cue to say something profound and calming. So I’re going to walk down there and he’s going to say...D. I...(which he always spells Di instead of just saying it)....and everything is going to be fine. I meant this as a comfort because to me that’s their thing – D.I. It’s cute and it’s only theirs. But instead we had to immediately try to find her a paper bag because I thought she was going to hyperventilate and tears were welling up! And then we all start crying and we’re bordering on the verge of being a big mess of Chanel mascara. But the phone call comes and down we go to the 2nd floor. It was the strangest thing to leave one of your favoritest people in the bathroom with a photographer you just met so you could go get a chair for the ceremony.

D. I. this is there thing. He called up to the room earlier in the day and I answered and he said D.I. ? and I said, no S.A. He’s her person. Just because. Not because it was easy. And not because through the first few years we all just wanted to punch him most of the time because he was being a jerky stubborn boy. But he was her person. That makes it simple in the end.

I’m not sure I believe in the one person for each person theory anymore. I might, but I’m not sure. It’s really scary if it is true. But if it is true, then aren’t you just supposed to believe? Fuck, I’m now some rambling idiot on the subject. I’m afraid if I admit I think there is only one someone you’re meant to be with... I’m really going to lose my mind. It’s not that I’ve been watching too many episodes of Big Love, and no I haven’t totally lost sight of the fairy tale ending, I think I just learned to appreciate things, appreciate people more and be open to possibilities.

Over the course of my romantic life I have been in relationships with several people – a few who potentially could have qualified as “my person,” but obviously were not for various reasons. But to H2’s point – where is he now? It was really funny watching her get all fired up. I guess I’m kind of over being fired up, and now am just being.

It’s been a very enlightening and yet very confusing couple of weeks. My birthday brought a new year filled with possibilities, a day filled with friends and also the arrival of someone from far away who I would prefer to be very close to. These couple weeks have made me realize we waste so much time being scared of someone or something when we should just take a chance. Say something you know you can’t take back. Sometimes it’s not clear cut and it’s more than a plane ride away, but just because it isn’t easy, doesn’t mean it isn’t right or isn’t worth exploring.

I want to be apart of a relationship where you live in the moment and you realize it could be the start of something amazing...and you just let it happen...keeping the forward momentum going – you take a risk. It’s not something that has the breaks put on and is put into the closet for a rainy day of potentially better circumstances, because that day usually never comes.


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