my inner monologue unleashed

Saturday, May 24, 2008

bridal party palooza - the flight

There is a child named Victor. His mother wears a studded belt that says Mom Rocks. I hate the both. I first encountered her in starbucks where she couldn't keep track of her place in line because she had to "keep an eye on them." so not my problem that your husband is probably already in a bar somewhere thanking his lucky stars he's shipped you off someone. Oh yeah, they're at my gate. Here's the plane, would you like mom to tell you what's happening out there? What do you think is happening out there? What's happening in here is that we're annoying all the other people at the gate. Victor and Giavana something with a P - pasquel or passakel..something Italian. this family is a total candidate for stranger danger....Victor P-whatever your mother told me to pick you from school today - she took too many Valium again.

There is an agent barking's noon on a holiday weekend. I'm certain by monday we'll read about her in the paper -- tragedy as gate agent attacks passenger wearing Mom Rocks belt in a fit of holiday hysteria. I realize it's amateur hour during the holidays, but just because some people haven't flown before doesn't mean they are complete idiots. we were all first time travelers....i used to watch EVERY time they did the safety demonstration AND follow along with the card in the seat pocket in front of me. Now i just mock the flight attendant wearing the life vest during the demonstration during my flight from STL to KC...seriously, what route are we taking? that was the same flight that was ridiculous bumpy and the pilot kept apologizing that i wasn't going to a soda. i don't care about the beverage service, i can that that water landing prepared woman may know more than i do about where this sucker is going to land. I kept quoting the pilot as saying "there are mysterious winds according to the tower" ....who also informed us that - hey - it's just going to get worse. apparently Trisha thinks he probably said "serious winds," but that does not make the story as entertaining.


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