my inner monologue unleashed

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

strange how when i have the most to say i write the least. i went to a shrink once, she called it ruminating. i just think and think and think and while i’m thinking someone else actually does something to correct the situation i’m thinking about. problem solved. and i didn’t have to do anything..and then what’s even better is later on i get to feel all offended if i don’t like the outcome because it wasn’t solely my decision. my brain rocks. you can use this technique in many instances such as waiting and waiting and waiting to eat dinner until then it’s too late to go to the gym because your food has to digest for 2 hours. or contemplating buying something and waiting so long it’s sold out or the sale is over. it’s particularly useful for concert tickets...contemplate going - will i suddenly be out of town? so many mysterious i must consider until the show is sold out or i forget about it...but look how much free time i have? however i won’t be seeing Josh Radin this weekend at the Duck Room. it’s also handy if a recruiter calls...very stressful whether if you’re interested or not. it’s too much to think about, but it wouldn’t hurt to look into right? i usually get to the first conversation and then think and think and think so long it’s embarrassing late to send my resume or i wait an insane amount of time to return phone calls. perfect. i didn’t have to worry about getting it...liking it or maybe turning it down, my ol’ noggin took care of all the stress. Just think, don’t act. sometimes i just ruminate because it’s safer inside my brain. i can play out scenarios from all agonizing and interesting and a lot of times imagined angles. it’s different then the vow i made to not have one conversation in my head and another one coming out of my mouth. it’s more just this cloudiness that’s somewhere in the back of my mind churning away on things i need to resolve, while getting the crap kicked out of it by my - enjoy the moment, forget about the consequences, there is always tomorrow reflex.

but for some people it would be very helpful if they would think more and share less. a friend’s grandfather passed away this weekend. i got an email from someone telling a few of us the news and added...and their italian...italian families are very close. I wanted to respond - where as germans...we like to keep our elderly locked in the basement.

think. then speak.


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