my inner monologue unleashed

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I have to brush my teeth naked. It’s true. Well at least no shirt. I just got this new fangled electric toothbrush and it keeps flinging toothpaste everywhere. I can barely see in the bathroom mirror and last night my pajama top had toothpaste all over it. This will cause me to rearrange my getting ready ritual which until now concluded with the teeth brushing right before I left the house. And it’s freaky because it’s wireless so you watch this little monitor and it tells you, and the toothbrush signals you, when you’ve sufficiently brushed that particular quadrant for 30 seconds. After 2 minutes you’re finished and a smiley face appears. Apparently I’m a rough brusher. Little known fact about me.

I also have small ear canals, which I found out this winter during a doctor’s visit. This obviously justifies the q-tip incident of several years ago which resulted in an emergency room visit. The best part of that was I was overcharged by my insurance company and she said...well maybe you needed a specialist. I know I was in Washington, but I’m pretty sure their regular doctors can get the cotton from a q-tip out of someone’s ear.

Oh and I have extra curvy eyes! For real! I’ve been trying to get fitted for contacts but between my astigmatism and my curvatious eyes, soft contacts were not working. So I’ve ordered gas permeable lens which they say will give me fabulous vision but will take a while to get used to. I was trying out the soft contacts when we were in Nashville and we went out to a club, saw a concert, had a few drinks and after we’d fallen asleep I realized I should taken my contacts out. They were literally glued to my eyes, I kept squirting them with solution. Nothing. I was about to have a panic attack and wake John. Hi – I know it’s our first trip away but perhaps you should know...which I’m sure you’ve realized by now that I’m a magnet for weird stuff (see paragraphs 1 & 2) and now I’ve got contacts glued to my eyes where they are surely cutting off the air my eyes need and I look like I’ve been smoking pot for like 2 weeks straight because my eyes are so bloodshot from me trying to get the damn things you mind if we go to the emergency room? After replaying possible scenarios and reactions in my mind I just kept breathing and washing my eyes out until the stupid things came lose and my panic attack subsided. At one point I wasn’t even sure it was in there any more and certain it was now lodged in my brain somewhere. The next morning I was reassured my eyes will not fall out, I need to stay hydrated and it probably was not a good idea to be shooting straight saline into my eyes repeatedly. Good to know. I’m not sure if all this contact hub bub is going to pan out anyway. I think I look weird without my glasses. I don’t know, I just have too much face or something or little eyes or I’ve had glasses since the 3rd grade and maybe it’s just the way it is...I’m a glasses person. I’ll try it though, I hate the prescription sunglass, prescription glasses switch that has to happen all the time. Annoying. I was happy for my short-lived frame freedom.

PS...good news....I found my running shoe! Weeks later, but luckily before I bought another one...uh two. It was hiding in a boot box. woo hoo.


Blogger Janieac said...

Staci sans-glasses?! I don't think I like this idea ...

9:32 PM  

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